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Frances Staniforth

About the artist

My art practice involves drawing, printmaking, votive objects and poetry- prose. Recently I have integrated all of these processes in a limited edition artist book. My ongoing research investigates the landscape features and artefacts from prehistory when, as far as we can know, the making of art for cultural, spiritual and aesthetic purposes was integrated into everyday life. I am interested in why and how we attach meanings and significance to places and objects. My work is informed by the Bronze and Neolithic remains on Dartmoor (where I live), museum archives and archaeological texts.

A copy of one of the books and a related zine are in the artist book archives Plymouth University library collection. They are used as examples of a contemporary artist book for teaching purposes. This Blog post shows all the images and texts in my book ‘Fragments’.


I visited different locations on Dartmoor taking a copper plate with me to create random marks from the surface of the granite rocks.
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