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Eggs Collected

22 Mar, 2022 —  10 May, 2022

Eggs Collected

This book /installation piece is part of a series that deals with repeated pregnancy loss. As part of this series I created a series of unique prints (mono-printing technique) and then used the results for different projects for which eggs collected is one. For this book, I placed a digital copy of one of the prints as the first layer when I made the papermache eggs. The ink of the digital copy almost completely vanished, and was then painted over with black and white acrylics to bring out the image. In many of my maternity themed works I use the image of birds as the longing for freedom. The egg has a tradition of standing for fertility. For those who are struggling to conceive and carry a child an early pregnancy scan is both a very hopeful moment. You know you are pregnant. But at the same time, when you already had multiply miscarriages, it’s also the start of a worry. And often, an early scan is only made if and where there is a reason to worry. The eggs in which these scans (or rather abstract images made to resemble an early pregnancy scan) are placed are not intact. They are open. I found the experience of having a pregnancy scan, while hopeful and interesting, also weirdly intrusive, like I am looking at something that shouldn’t be seen.

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A collection of egg shaped paper vessels with an image reminiscent of an early pregnancy scan
  • 2024-03-17 12.52.39 – Hilke Kurzke

  • 2024-03-17 12.52.35 – Hilke Kurzke

  • 20240317_103355 – Hilke Kurzke

  • 2024-03-17 12.52.32 – Hilke Kurzke